🍩 Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology

This is a database of applications of Topological Data Analysis, an emerging mathematical paradigm for performing multi-scale analyses of complex data sets.

Where is the data coming from?

The source for all articles in this database is a bibliographical database maintained by Barbara Giunti, and created in 2020 together with Jānis Lazovskis. This database is currently accessible via Zotero. This service indexes the database daily to provide a full-text search over individual articles, authors, and tags.

How can I report erroneous data?

To report an error in an article, please contact us at donut@topology.rocks.

What types of articles are included in the database?

This database is supposed to focus on applications of topological data analysis. Our primary goal is to show that this exciting emerging area of research has real-world applications and can be employed in different contexts. Thus, we are purposefully focusing on including articles that are potentially accessible to domain experts. We know that from the outside, topological data analysis may look daunting, but by showcasing applications, we hope to inspire new people about this research.

Why is my article missing?

To report a missing article, please fill out this form.

Who maintains this database frontend?

This frontend was developed, hosted, and maintained by Bastian Rieck. It is powered by Xapian, Flask, and Debian.