🍩 Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology

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  1. Topological Detection of Phenomenological Bifurcations With Unreliable Kernel Density Estimates (2024)

    Sunia Tanweer, Firas A. Khasawneh
    Abstract Phenomenological (P-type) bifurcations are qualitative changes in stochastic dynamical systems whereby the stationary probability density function (PDF) changes its topology. The current state of the art for detecting these bifurcations requires reliable kernel density estimates computed from an ensemble of system realizations. However, in several real world signals such as Big Data, only a single system realization is available—making it impossible to estimate a reliable kernel density. This study presents an approach for detecting P-type bifurcations using unreliable density estimates. The approach creates an ensemble of objects from Topological Data Analysis (TDA) called persistence diagrams from the system’s sole realization and statistically analyzes the resulting set. We compare several methods for replicating the original persistence diagram including Gibbs point process modelling, Pairwise Interaction Point Modelling, and subsampling. We show that for the purpose of predicting a bifurcation, the simple method of subsampling exceeds the other two methods of point process modelling in performance.
  2. A Topological Framework for Identifying Phenomenological Bifurcations in Stochastic Dynamical Systems (2024)

    Sunia Tanweer, Firas A. Khasawneh, Elizabeth Munch, Joshua R. Tempelman
    Abstract Changes in the parameters of dynamical systems can cause the state of the system to shift between different qualitative regimes. These shifts, known as bifurcations, are critical to study as they can indicate when the system is about to undergo harmful changes in its behavior. In stochastic dynamical systems, there is particular interest in P-type (phenomenological) bifurcations, which can include transitions from a monostable state to multi-stable states, the appearance of stochastic limit cycles and other features in the probability density function (PDF) of the system’s state. Current practices are limited to systems with small state spaces, cannot detect all possible behaviors of the PDFs and mandate human intervention for visually identifying the change in the PDF. In contrast, this study presents a new approach based on Topological Data Analysis that uses superlevel persistence to mathematically quantify P-type bifurcations in stochastic systems through a “homological bifurcation plot”—which shows the changing ranks of 0th and 1st homology groups, through Betti vectors. Using these plots, we demonstrate the successful detection of P-bifurcations on the stochastic Duffing, Raleigh-Vander Pol and Quintic Oscillators given their analytical PDFs, and elaborate on how to generate an estimated homological bifurcation plot given a kernel density estimate (KDE) of these systems by employing a tool for finding topological consistency between PDFs and KDEs.
  3. Using Zigzag Persistent Homology to Detect Hopf Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems (2020)

    Sarah Tymochko, Elizabeth Munch, Firas A. Khasawneh
    Abstract Bifurcations in dynamical systems characterize qualitative changes in the system behavior. Therefore, their detection is important because they can signal the transition from normal system operation to imminent failure. While standard persistent homology has been used in this setting, it usually requires analyzing a collection of persistence diagrams, which in turn drives up the computational cost considerably. Using zigzag persistence, we can capture topological changes in the state space of the dynamical system in only one persistence diagram. Here we present Bifurcations using ZigZag (BuZZ), a one-step method to study and detect bifurcations using zigzag persistence. The BuZZ method is successfully able to detect this type of behavior in two synthetic examples as well as an example dynamical system.
  4. A Topological Machine Learning Pipeline for Classification (2022)

    Francesco Conti, Davide Moroni, Maria Antonietta Pascali
    Abstract In this work, we develop a pipeline that associates Persistence Diagrams to digital data via the most appropriate filtration for the type of data considered. Using a grid search approach, this pipeline determines optimal representation methods and parameters. The development of such a topological pipeline for Machine Learning involves two crucial steps that strongly affect its performance: firstly, digital data must be represented as an algebraic object with a proper associated filtration in order to compute its topological summary, the Persistence Diagram. Secondly, the persistence diagram must be transformed with suitable representation methods in order to be introduced in a Machine Learning algorithm. We assess the performance of our pipeline, and in parallel, we compare the different representation methods on popular benchmark datasets. This work is a first step toward both an easy and ready-to-use pipeline for data classification using persistent homology and Machine Learning, and to understand the theoretical reasons why, given a dataset and a task to be performed, a pair (filtration, topological representation) is better than another.
  5. Stable Signatures for Dynamic Graphs and Dynamic Metric Spaces via Zigzag Persistence (2018)

    Woojin Kim, Facundo Memoli
    Abstract When studying flocking/swarming behaviors in animals one is interested in quantifying and comparing the dynamics of the clustering induced by the coalescence and disbanding of animals in different groups. In a similar vein, studying the dynamics of social networks leads to the problem of characterizing groups/communities as they form and disperse throughout time. Motivated by this, we study the problem of obtaining persistent homology based summaries of time-dependent data. Given a finite dynamic graph (DG), we first construct a zigzag persistence module arising from linearizing the dynamic transitive graph naturally induced from the input DG. Based on standard results, we then obtain a persistence diagram or barcode from this zigzag persistence module. We prove that these barcodes are stable under perturbations in the input DG under a suitable distance between DGs that we identify. More precisely, our stability theorem can be interpreted as providing a lower bound for the distance between DGs. Since it relies on barcodes, and their bottleneck distance, this lower bound can be computed in polynomial time from the DG inputs. Since DGs can be given rise by applying the Rips functor (with a fixed threshold) to dynamic metric spaces, we are also able to derive related stable invariants for these richer class of dynamic objects. Along the way, we propose a summarization of dynamic graphs that captures their time-dependent clustering features which we call formigrams. These set-valued functions generalize the notion of dendrogram, a prevalent tool for hierarchical clustering. In order to elucidate the relationship between our distance between two DGs and the bottleneck distance between their associated barcodes, we exploit recent advances in the stability of zigzag persistence due to Botnan and Lesnick, and to Bjerkevik.