🍩 Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology

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  1. Topological Data Analysis Generates High-Resolution, Genome-Wide Maps of Human Recombination (2016)

    Pablo G. Camara, Daniel I. S. Rosenbloom, Kevin J. Emmett, Arnold J. Levine, Raul Rabadan
    Abstract Meiotic recombination is a fundamental evolutionary process driving diversity in eukaryotes. In mammals, recombination is known to occur preferentially at specific genomic regions. Using topological data analysis (TDA), a branch of applied topology that extracts global features from large data sets, we developed an efficient method for mapping recombination at fine scales. When compared to standard linkage-based methods, TDA can deal with a larger number of SNPs and genomes without incurring prohibitive computational costs. We applied TDA to 1,000 Genomes Project data and constructed high-resolution whole-genome recombination maps of seven human populations. Our analysis shows that recombination is generally under-represented within transcription start sites. However, the binding sites of specific transcription factors are enriched for sites of recombination. These include transcription factors that regulate the expression of meiosis- and gametogenesis-specific genes, cell cycle progression, and differentiation blockage. Additionally, our analysis identifies an enrichment for sites of recombination at repeat-derived loci matched by piwi-interacting RNAs.
  2. Quantifying Genetic Innovation: Mathematical Foundations for the Topological Study of Reticulate Evolution (2020)

    Michael Lesnick, Raúl Rabadán, Daniel I. S. Rosenbloom
    Abstract A topological approach to the study of genetic recombination, based on persistent homology, was introduced by Chan, Carlsson, and Rabadán in 2013. This associates a sequence of signatures called barcodes to genomic data sampled from an evolutionary history. In this paper, we develop theoretical foundations for this approach. First, we present a novel formulation of the underlying inference problem. Specifically, we introduce and study the novelty profile, a simple, stable statistic of an evolutionary history which not only counts recombination events but also quantifies how recombination creates genetic diversity. We propose that the (hitherto implicit) goal of the topological approach to recombination is the estimation of novelty profiles. We then study the problem of obtaining a lower bound on the novelty profile using barcodes. We focus on a low-recombination regime, where the evolutionary history can be described by a directed acyclic graph called a galled tree, which differs from a tree only by isolated topological defects. We show that in this regime, under a complete sampling assumption, the \$1\textasciicircum\mathrm\st\\$ barcode yields a lower bound on the novelty profile, and hence on the number of recombination events. For \$i\textgreater1\$, the \$i\textasciicircum\\mathrm\th\\\$ barcode is empty. In addition, we use a stability principle to strengthen these results to ones which hold for any subsample of an arbitrary evolutionary history. To establish these results, we describe the topology of the Vietoris--Rips filtrations arising from evolutionary histories indexed by galled trees. As a step towards a probabilistic theory, we also show that for a random history indexed by a fixed galled tree and satisfying biologically reasonable conditions, the intervals of the \$1\textasciicircum\\mathrm\st\\\$ barcode are independent random variables. Using simulations, we explore the sensitivity of these intervals to recombination.
  3. Inference of Ancestral Recombination Graphs Through Topological Data Analysis (2016)

    Pablo G. Cámara, Arnold J. Levine, Raúl Rabadán
    Abstract The recent explosion of genomic data has underscored the need for interpretable and comprehensive analyses that can capture complex phylogenetic relationships within and across species. Recombination, reassortment and horizontal gene transfer constitute examples of pervasive biological phenomena that cannot be captured by tree-like representations. Starting from hundreds of genomes, we are interested in the reconstruction of potential evolutionary histories leading to the observed data. Ancestral recombination graphs represent potential histories that explicitly accommodate recombination and mutation events across orthologous genomes. However, they are computationally costly to reconstruct, usually being infeasible for more than few tens of genomes. Recently, Topological Data Analysis (TDA) methods have been proposed as robust and scalable methods that can capture the genetic scale and frequency of recombination. We build upon previous TDA developments for detecting and quantifying recombination, and present a novel framework that can be applied to hundreds of genomes and can be interpreted in terms of minimal histories of mutation and recombination events, quantifying the scales and identifying the genomic locations of recombinations. We implement this framework in a software package, called TARGet, and apply it to several examples, including small migration between different populations, human recombination, and horizontal evolution in finches inhabiting the Galápagos Islands., Evolution occurs through different mechanisms, including point mutations, gene duplication, horizontal gene transfer, and recombinations. Some of these mechanisms cannot be captured by tree graphs. We present a framework, based on the mathematical tools of computational topology, that can explicitly accommodate both recombination and mutation events across the evolutionary history of a sample of genomic sequences. This approach generates a new type of summary graph and algebraic structures that provide quantitative information on the evolutionary scale and frequency of recombination events. The accompanying software, TARGet, is applied to several examples, including migration between sexually-reproducing populations, human recombination, and recombination in Darwin’s finches.
  4. Fast Estimation of Recombination Rates Using Topological Data Analysis (2019)

    Devon P. Humphreys, Melissa R. McGuirl, Michael Miyagi, Andrew J. Blumberg
    Abstract Accurate estimation of recombination rates is critical for studying the origins and maintenance of genetic diversity. Because the inference of recombination rates under a full evolutionary model is computationally expensive, we developed an alternative approach using topological data analysis (TDA) on genome sequences. We find that this method can analyze datasets larger than what can be handled by any existing recombination inference software, and has accuracy comparable to commonly used model-based methods with significantly less processing time. Previous TDA methods used information contained solely in the first Betti number (\textlessimg class="highwire-embed" alt="Embedded Image" src="http://www.genetics.org/sites/default/files/highwire/genetics/211/4/1191/embed/mml-math-1.gif"/\textgreater) of a set of genomes, which aims to capture the number of loops that can be detected within a genealogy. These explorations have proven difficult to connect to the theory of the underlying biological process of recombination, and, consequently, have unpredictable behavior under perturbations of the data. We introduce a new topological feature, which we call ψ, with a natural connection to coalescent models, and present novel arguments relating \textlessimg class="highwire-embed" alt="Embedded Image" src="http://www.genetics.org/sites/default/files/highwire/genetics/211/4/1191/embed/mml-math-2.gif"/\textgreater to population genetic models. Using simulations, we show that ψ and \textlessimg class="highwire-embed" alt="Embedded Image" src="http://www.genetics.org/sites/default/files/highwire/genetics/211/4/1191/embed/mml-math-3.gif"/\textgreater are differentially affected by missing data, and package our approach as TREE (Topological Recombination Estimator). TREE’s efficiency and accuracy make it well suited as a first-pass estimator of recombination rate heterogeneity or hotspots throughout the genome. Our work empirically and theoretically justifies the use of topological statistics as summaries of genome sequences and describes a new, unintuitive relationship between topological features of the distribution of sequence data and the footprint of recombination on genomes.