🍩 Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology

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  1. Topological Feature Extraction for Comparison of Terascale Combustion Simulation Data (2011)

    Ajith Mascarenhas, Ray W. Grout, Peer-Timo Bremer, Evatt R. Hawkes, Valerio Pascucci, Jacqueline H. Chen
    Abstract We describe a combinatorial streaming algorithm to extract features which identify regions of local intense rates of mixing in twoterascale turbulent combustion simulations. Our algorithm allows simulation data comprised of scalar fields represented on 728x896x512 or 2025x1600x400 grids to be processed on a single relatively lightweight machine. The turbulence-induced mixing governs the rate of reaction and hence is of principal interest in these combustion simulations. We use our feature extraction algorithm to compare two very different simulations and find that in both the thickness of the extracted features grows with decreasing turbulence intensity. Simultaneous consideration of results of applying the algorithm to the HO2 mass fraction field indicates that autoignition kernels near the base of a lifted flame tend not to overlap with the high mixing rate regions.
  2. Substructure Topology Preserving Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes (2011)

    Fabien Vivodtzev, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Hans Hagen
    Abstract Interdisciplinary efforts in modeling and simulating phenomena have led to complex multi-physics models involving different physical properties and materials in the same system. Within a 3d domain, substructures of lower dimensions appear at the interface between different materials. Correspondingly, an unstructuredtetrahedral mesh used for such a simulation includes 2d and 1d substructures embedded in the vertices, edges and faces of the mesh.The simplification of suchtetrahedral meshes must preserve (1) the geometry and the topology of the 3d domain, (2) the simulated data and (3) the geometry and topology of the embedded substructures. Although intensive research has been conducted on the first two goals, the third objective has received little attention.This paper focuses on the preservation of the topology of 1d and 2d substructures embedded in an unstructuredtetrahedral mesh, during edge collapse simplification. We define these substructures as simplicial sub-complexes of the mesh, which is modeled as an extended simplicial complex. We derive a robust algorithm, based on combinatorial topology results, in order to determine if an edge can be collapsed without changing the topology of both the mesh and all embedded substructures. Based on this algorithm we have developed a system for simplifying scientific datasets defined on irregular tetrahedral meshes with substructures. The implementation of our system is discussed in detail. We demonstrate the power of our system with real world scientific datasets from electromagnetism simulations.