🍩 Database of Original & Non-Theoretical Uses of Topology
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Synthesis of Energy-Bounded Planar Caging Grasps Using Persistent Homology (2018)
Jeffrey Mahler, Florian T. Pokorny, Sherdil Niyaz, Ken Goldberg -
Toward Automated Prediction of Manufacturing Productivity Based on Feature Selection Using Topological Data Analysis (2016)
Wei Guo, Ashis G. BanerjeeAbstract
In this paper, we extend the application of topological data analysis (TDA) to the field of manufacturing for the first time to the best of our knowledge. We apply a particular TDA method, known as the Mapper algorithm, on a benchmark chemical processing data set. The algorithm yields a topological network that captures the intrinsic clusters and connections among the clusters present in the high-dimensional data set, which are difficult to detect using traditional methods. We select key process variables or features that impact the final product yield by analyzing the shape of this network. We then use three prediction models to evaluate the impact of the selected features. Results show that the models achieve the same level of high prediction accuracy as with all the process variables, thereby, providing a way to carry out process monitoring and control in a more cost-effective manner. -
Explainable Machine Learning Approach to Yield and Quality Improvements Using Deep Topological Data Analytics (2023)
Janhavi Giri, Attila LengyelAbstract
Abstract. In wafer fabrication, data is collected and analyzed to prevent process deviations that could affect product quality and wafer yield. However, the high-dimensional, sparse, and imbalanced nature of the data poses significant challenges to yield and quality root cause analysis. Deep Topological Data Analysis (DTDA) is an unsupervised machine learning method that clusters and models the data in the form of geometric objects such as graphs and their higher-dimensional versions. This method reduces the multidimensional dataset to two-dimensional networks or graphs, where each node represents a cluster of samples with similar characteristics, and an edge represents the presence of overlapping characteristics between the connecting nodes. DTDA provides insights into the necessary data elements required to conduct accurate analysis and helps engineers identify the features contributing to yield and quality issues, enabling corrective actions. Moreover, the approach prevents the waste of engineering resources and mitigates the impact on final manufacturing cost. -
Raw Material Flow Optimization as a Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem: A Visual Benchmarking Approach for Sustainable Manufacturing (2017)
Michele Dassisti, Yasamin Eslami, Matin MohagheghAbstract
Optimisation problem concerning material flows, to increase the efficiency while reducing relative resource consumption is one of the most pressing problems today. The focus point of this study is to propose a new visual benchmarking approach to select the best material-flow path from the depot to the production lines, referring to the well-known Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). An example industrial case study is considered to this aim. Two different solution techniques were adopted (namely Mixed Integer Linear Programming and the Ant Colony Optimization) in searching optimal solutions to the CVRP. The visual benchmarking proposed, based on the persistent homology approach, allowed to support the comparison of the optimal solutions based on the entropy of the output in different scenarios. Finally, based on the non-standard measurements of Crossing Length Percentage (CLP), the visual benchmarking procedure makes it possible to find the most practical and applicable solution to CVRP by considering the visual attractiveness and the quality of the routes. -
A Novel Approach for Wafer Defect Pattern Classification Based on Topological Data Analysis (2023)
Seungchan Ko, Dowan KooAbstract
In semiconductor manufacturing, wafer map defect pattern provides critical information for facility maintenance and yield management, so the classification of defect patterns is one of the most important tasks in the manufacturing process. In this paper, we propose a novel way to represent the shape of the defect pattern as a finite-dimensional vector, which will be used as an input for a neural network algorithm for classification. The main idea is to extract the topological features of each pattern by using the theory of persistent homology from topological data analysis (TDA). Through some experiments with a simulated dataset, we show that the proposed method is faster and much more efficient in training with higher accuracy, compared with the method using convolutional neural networks (CNN) which is the most common approach for wafer map defect pattern classification. Moreover, it was shown that our method outperforms the CNN-based method when the number of training data is not enough and is imbalanced. -
Mapping Geometric and Electromagnetic Feature Spaces With Machine Learning for Additively Manufactured RF Devices (2022)
Deanna Sessions, Venkatesh Meenakshisundaram, Andrew Gillman, Alexander Cook, Kazuko Fuchi, Philip R. Buskohl, Gregory H. HuffAbstract
Multi-material additive manufacturing enables transformative capabilities in customized, low-cost, and multi-functional electromagnetic devices. However, process-specific fabrication anomalies can result in non-intuitive effects on performance; we propose a framework for identifying defect mechanisms and their performance impact by mapping geometric variances to electromagnetic performance metrics. This method can accelerate additive fabrication feedback while avoiding the high computational cost of in-line electromagnetic simulation. We first used dimension reduction to explore the population of geometric manufacturing anomalies and electromagnetic performance. Convolutional neural networks are then trained to predict the electromagnetic performance of the printed geometries. In generating the networks, we explored two inputs: one image-derived geometric description and one using the same description with additional simulated electromagnetic information. Network latent space analysis shows the networks learned both geometric and electromagnetic values even without electromagnetic input. This result demonstrates it is possible to create accelerated additive feedback systems predicting electromagnetic performance without in-line simulation. -
Identification of Key Features Using Topological Data Analysis for Accurate Prediction of Manufacturing System Outputs (2017)
Wei Guo, Ashis G. BanerjeeAbstract
Topological data analysis (TDA) has emerged as one of the most promising approaches to extract insights from high-dimensional data of varying types such as images, point clouds, and meshes, in an unsupervised manner. To the best of our knowledge, here, we provide the first successful application of TDA in the manufacturing systems domain. We apply a widely used TDA method, known as the Mapper algorithm, on two benchmark data sets for chemical process yield prediction and semiconductor wafer fault detection, respectively. The algorithm yields topological networks that capture the intrinsic clusters and connections among the clusters present in the data sets, which are difficult to detect using traditional methods. We select key process variables or features that impact the system outcomes by analyzing the network shapes. We then use predictive models to evaluate the impact of the selected features. Results show that the models achieve at least the same level of high prediction accuracy as with all the process variables, thereby, providing a way to carry out process monitoring and control in a more cost-effective manner. -
Optimizing Porosity Detection in Wire Laser Metal Deposition Processes Through Data-Driven AI Classification Techniques (2023)
Meritxell Gomez-Omella, Jon Flores, Basilio Sierra, Susana Ferreiro, Nicolas Hascoët, Francisco ChinestaAbstract
Additive manufacturing (AM) is an attractive solution for many companies that produce geometrically complex parts. This process consists of depositing material layer by layer following a sliced CAD geometry. It brings several benefits to manufacturing capabilities, such as design freedom, reduced material waste, and short-run customization. However, one of the current challenges faced by users of the process, mainly in wire laser metal deposition (wLMD), is to avoid defects in the manufactured part, especially the porosity. This defect is caused by extreme conditions and metallurgical transformations of the process. And not only does it directly affect the mechanical performance of the parts, especially the fatigue properties, but it also means an increase in costs due to the inspection tasks to which the manufactured parts must be subjected. This work compares three operational solution approaches, product-centric, based on signal-based feature extraction and Topological Data Analysis together with statistical and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, for the early detection and prediction of porosity failure in a wLMD process. The different forecasting and validation strategies demonstrate the variety of conclusions that can be drawn with different objectives in the analysis of the monitored data in AM problems. -
Exploring Surface Texture Quantification in Piezo Vibration Striking Treatment (PVST) Using Topological Measures (2022)
Melih C. Yesilli, Max M. Chumley, Jisheng Chen, Firas A. Khasawneh, Yang GuoAbstract
Abstract. Surface texture influences wear and tribological properties of manufactured parts, and it plays a critical role in end-user products. Therefore, quantifying the order or structure of a manufactured surface provides important information on the quality and life expectancy of the product. Although texture can be intentionally introduced to enhance aesthetics or to satisfy a design function, sometimes it is an inevitable byproduct of surface treatment processes such as Piezo Vibration Striking Treatment (PVST). Measures of order for surfaces have been characterized using statistical, spectral, and geometric approaches. For nearly hexagonal lattices, topological tools have also been used to measure the surface order. This paper explores utilizing tools from Topological Data Analysis for measuring surface texture. We compute measures of order based on optical digital microscope images of surfaces treated using PVST. These measures are applied to the grid obtained from estimating the centers of tool impacts, and they quantify the grid’s deviations from the nominal one. Our results show that TDA provides a convenient framework for characterization of pattern type that bypasses some limitations of existing tools such as difficult manual processing of the data and the need for an expert user to analyze and interpret the surface images. -
A Classification of Topological Discrepancies in Additive Manufacturing (2019)
Morad Behandish, Amir M. Mirzendehdel, Saigopal NelaturiAbstract
Additive manufacturing (AM) enables enormous freedom for design of complex structures. However, the process-dependent limitations that result in discrepancies between as-designed and as-manufactured shapes are not fully understood. The tradeoffs between infinitely many different ways to approximate a design by a manufacturable replica are even harder to characterize. To support design for AM (DfAM), one has to quantify local discrepancies introduced by AM processes, identify the detrimental deviations (if any) to the original design intent, and prescribe modifications to the design and/or process parameters to countervail their effects. Our focus in this work will be on topological analysis. There is ample evidence in many applications that preserving local topology (e.g., connectivity of beams in a lattice) is important even when slight geometric deviations can be tolerated. We first present a generic method to characterize local topological discrepancies due to material under-and over-deposition in AM, and show how it captures various types of defects in the as-manufactured structures. We use this information to systematically modify the as-manufactured outcomes within the limitations of available 3D printer resolution(s), which often comes at the expense of introducing more geometric deviations (e.g., thickening a beam to avoid disconnection). We validate the effectiveness of the method on 3D examples with nontrivial topologies such as lattice structures and foams. -
Manifold Learning for Coherent Design Interpolation Based on Geometrical and Topological Descriptors (2023)
D. Muñoz, O. Allix, F. Chinesta, J. J. Ródenas, E. NadalAbstract
In the context of intellectual property in the manufacturing industry, know-how is referred to practical knowledge on how to accomplish a specific task. This know-how is often difficult to be synthesised in a set of rules or steps as it remains in the intuition and expertise of engineers, designers, and other professionals. Today, a new research line in this concern spot-up thanks to the explosion of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms and its alliance with Computational Mechanics and Optimisation tools. However, a key aspect with industrial design is the scarcity of available data, making it problematic to rely on deep-learning approaches. Assuming that the existing designs live in a manifold, in this paper, we propose a synergistic use of existing Machine Learning tools to infer a reduced manifold from the existing limited set of designs and, then, to use it to interpolate between the individuals, working as a generator basis, to create new and coherent designs. For this, a key aspect is to be able to properly interpolate in the reduced manifold, which requires a proper clustering of the individuals. From our experience, due to the scarcity of data, adding topological descriptors to geometrical ones considerably improves the quality of the clustering. Thus, a distance, mixing topology and geometry is proposed. This distance is used both, for the clustering and for the interpolation. For the interpolation, relying on optimal transport appear to be mandatory. Examples of growing complexity are proposed to illustrate the goodness of the method. -
A Data-Driven Workflow for Evaporation Performance Degradation Analysis: A Full-Scale Case Study in the Herbal Medicine Manufacturing Industry (2023)
Sheng Zhang, Xinyuan Xie, Haibin QuAbstract
The evaporation process is a common step in herbal medicine manufacturing and often lasts for a long time. The degradation of evaporation performance is inevitable, leading to more consumption of steam and electricity, and it may also have an impact on the content of thermosensitive components. Recently, a vast amount of evaporation process data is collected with the aid of industrial information systems, and process knowledge is hidden behind the data. But currently, these data are seldom deeply analyzed. In this work, an exploratory data analysis workflow is proposed to evaluate the evaporation performance and to identify the root causes of the performance degradation. The workflow consists of 6 steps: data collecting, preprocessing, characteristic stage identification, feature extraction, model development and interpretation, and decision making. In the model development and interpretation step, the workflow employs the HDBSCAN clustering algorithm for data annotation and then uses the ccPCA method to compare the differences between clusters for root cause analysis. A full-scale case is presented to verify the effectiveness of the workflow. The evaporation process data of 192 batches in 2018 were collected in the case. Through the steps of the workflow, the features of each batch were extracted, and the batches were clustered into 6 groups. The root causes of the performance degradation were determined as the high Pv,II and high LI by ccPCA. Recommended suggestions for future manufacturing were given according to the results. The proposed workflow can determine the root causes of the evaporation performance degradation. -
Pattern Characterization Using Topological Data Analysis: Application to Piezo Vibration Striking Treatment (2023)
Max M. Chumley, Melih C. Yesilli, Jisheng Chen, Firas A. Khasawneh, Yang GuoAbstract
Quantifying patterns in visual or tactile textures provides important information about the process or phenomena that generated these patterns. In manufacturing, these patterns can be intentionally introduced as a design feature, or they can be a byproduct of a specific process. Since surface texture has significant impact on the mechanical properties and the longevity of the workpiece, it is important to develop tools for quantifying surface patterns and, when applicable, comparing them to their nominal counterparts. While existing tools may be able to indicate the existence of a pattern, they typically do not provide more information about the pattern structure, or how much it deviates from a nominal pattern. Further, prior works do not provide automatic or algorithmic approaches for quantifying other pattern characteristics such as depths’ consistency, and variations in the pattern motifs at different level sets. This paper leverages persistent homology from Topological Data Analysis (TDA) to derive noise-robust scores for quantifying motifs’ depth and roundness in a pattern. Specifically, sublevel persistence is used to derive scores that quantify the consistency of indentation depths at any level set in Piezo Vibration Striking Treatment (PVST) surfaces. Moreover, we combine sublevel persistence with the distance transform to quantify the consistency of the indentation radii, and to compare them with the nominal ones. Although the tool in our PVST experiments had a semi-spherical profile, we present a generalization of our approach to tools/motifs of arbitrary shapes thus making our method applicable to other pattern-generating manufacturing processes.