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Emotion Recognition in Talking-Face Videos Using Persistent Entropy and Neural Networks
Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, Guillermo Aguirre-Carrazana, Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, Guillermo Aguirre-Carrazana
\textlessabstract\textgreater\textlessp\textgreaterThe automatic recognition of a person's emotional state has become a very active research field that involves scientists specialized in different areas such as artificial intelligence, computer vision, or psychology, among others. Our main objective in this work is to develop a novel approach, using persistent entropy and neural networks as main tools, to recognise and classify emotions from talking-face videos. Specifically, we combine audio-signal and image-sequence information to compute a \textlessitalic\textgreatertopology signature\textless/italic\textgreater (a 9-dimensional vector) for each video. We prove that small changes in the video produce small changes in the signature, ensuring the stability of the method. These topological signatures are used to feed a neural network to distinguish between the following emotions: calm, happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgust, and surprised. The results reached are promising and competitive, beating the performances achieved in other state-of-the-art works found in the literature.\textless/p\textgreater\textless/abstract\textgreater
Towards a Philological Metric Through a Topological Data Analysis Approach
Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Naranjo
The canon of the baroque Spanish literature has been thoroughly studied with philological techniques. The major representatives of the poetry of this epoch are Francisco de Quevedo and Luis de Góngora y Argote. They are commonly classified by the literary experts in two different streams: Quevedo belongs to the Conceptismo and G\ńgora to the Culteranismo. Besides, traditionally, even if Quevedo is considered the most representative of the Conceptismo, Lope de Vega is also considered to be, at least, closely related to this literary trend. In this paper, we use Topological Data Analysis techniques to provide a first approach to a metric distance between the literary style of these poets. As a consequence, we reach results that are under the literary experts' criteria, locating the literary style of Lope de Vega, closer to the one of Quevedo than to the one of G\'ǵora.